Our Ethos
At New Lubbesthorpe Primary School our priority is to develop a love of learning, inspired by quality teaching by building and developing upon all of our individual talents. We work tirelessly to ensure that our children enjoy a stimulating and diverse education; learning is irresistible, children are happy, feel safe and are valued. Learning experiences are rich and enjoyable.
Everything we do as a school is to ensure that our children achieve their very best and we are deeply aware that children only get one chance at their primary education. It is therefore our job to ensure that they all reach for the highest levels of personal achievement and development. We want every child to be successful; to reach for success from the very first day they join us so when they leave us, they have a love of learning for the rest of their lives.
Our Vision
At New Lubbesthorpe we take pride in valuing and celebrating the individuality of each child and the contribution they make to New Lubbesthorpe Primary School.
We are committed to giving our children the opportunity to succeed and reach the highest level of personal and academic achievement.
Trust Vision:
Oadby Wigston & Leicestershire Schools (OWLS) Academy Trust is committed to the core values of excellence, equity and effectiveness…
Promoting high levels of engagement, aspiration, achievement and enterprise across all of our schools.
- The overriding principle is the success and well-being of the children educated within the Trust schools.
- There is an expectation of professional challenge, support and development between member schools.
- Trust between members is essential for the success of the collaboration.
- Trust is engendered by: confidentiality, openness and professionalism. The Head Teacher and teacher standards provide a framework for this professionalism.
- The Trust members will take account of data protection policies in all work they do.
- The Trust members abide by the principles of best value and the long term benefit and gain of all the member schools. The budget will support the priorities based on the action plan. The Trust will not hold great sums of money but it will be spent to benefit the children in the schools at that time.
- Our work is focused on raising standards of provision in all areas of the Ofsted criteria and securing school improvements. Collaboratively we aim to respond quickly and effectively supporting and working with the local committees, developing national priorities and local initiatives. Needs are identified across the Trust and responded to effectively both by the whole group and sub-groups
“On a cold winter’s day, a group of porcupines huddled together to stay warm and keep from freezing. But, soon they felt one another’s quills and moved apart. When the need for warmth brought them closer together again, their quills again forced them apart. They were driven back and forth at the mercy of their discomforts until they found the distance from one another that provided both a maximum of warmth and a minimum of pain.”
Arthur Schopenhauer
From: Buonfino, A., and Mulgan, G. (2006) Porcupines in Winter, London: The Young Foundation