E Safety


Computers and other technology are of benefit as they enhance our ICT skills and help us learn about the world around us. It is used in all distinct subjects and as a means of supporting all other areas of the national curriculum.

The Pupils are invigorated to interconnect ideas and information in a variety of forms. Using technology and software develop their learning. The school is committed to high eminence Internet Safety for all.

Pupils need to be empowered to keep them safe. 

Click on the pictures to access relevant websites to give you further information on how to stay safe and aware online.

Think U Know for  5 to 7    year-olds

Think U Know for 8 to 10 year-olds

ChildNet - Primary Site

CBBC Stay Safe - A Place to Help you Boss your Life Online

Links for Parents and Carers

Using the internet can make learning fun, fast and easy. The following sites offer help to keeping you and your child safe online: